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Savour Arabian Cuisine in Makkah

Saudi Arabia’s cuisine is a reflection of its customs, traditions and religious beliefs. People of Saudi Arabia have descended from the nomadic tribes and traditional food like dates, fatir (bread) and hawayeji (spice blend) are still eaten widely.  A typicSaudi dish is a blend of a variety of ingredients like wheat, rice, lamb, chicken along with yoghurt and spices.

A lot of outside influence of Syrian, Lebanese, Persian cuisine can be seen. Bread, hummus (mashed chickpeas with garlic, tahini and lemon juice), rice and tabbouleh (a type of salad) are the staple food.  Mandi (rice and meat slow-cooked with yoghurt and spices in a tandoor) and kabsa (combination of rice, meat, vegetables and spice blend) are the two most popular dishes and integral part of every celebration.