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Basic Umrah Dua – A Guide to all the Supplications for Umrah

There are no special Dua or Supplications for Umrah, a person should recite any Dua he/she remembers and wishes. But one should try to perform the rituals of Hajj and Umrah as closely to how the Prophet (pbuh) performed. Here are some of most recommended and basic Umrah Duas and supplications that one should recite while on their journey for Hajj / Umrah:

Dua for entering Haram
Dua to recite at the first glance of Kaabah
Dua to recite when you approach Hajr-e-Aswad, the black stone:

Recite this Dua after facing the Black Stone:
Before starting your Tawaf form your intention as follows:
Supplicate between Yemeni corner and Hajr-e-Aswad:
Dua to recite at Maqam-e-Ibrahim after completing Tawaf:
Dua to recite while drinking Zamzam:
Dua at Mount Safa and Mount Marwah: Before you start Saa’ee at Safa recite the following verse:
Form intention for Saa’ee at Safa-Marwa by reciting the following Dua:
After climbing Mount Safa, face Kaabah and recite the following verse:

Note: There is no specific dua for Saa’ee so recite any Dua from heart between the hills of Safa and Marwah.

Dua to recite when leaving Masjid-ul-Haram: