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Important Tips for Your Hajj Journey

Here are the top tips for Hajj travel and to stay healthy during the Hajj pilgrimage:

  • The extreme weather conditions, the tremendous crowd of pilgrims, and the physical demands of Hajj tend to make people short tempered. Try to be patient, understanding and compassionate always. You can avoid unnecessary arguments and awkward situations by maintaining a positive attitude and remaining focused on your mission of Hajj.
  • Do not get involved in unnecessary religious discussions with your fellow pilgrims. You may see slight variations in religious practices during Hajj rituals amongst different people. Someone may even point out the “wrongness” of your ways. Be patient and walk away from a difficult situation.
  • Be optimistic and keep good companionship during Hajj. You will meet different kinds of people in your group; the over-excited, complainers, chit-chatters etc. keep to yourself if you feel distracted and don’t want the negativity to affect you. There might be things that you don’t like but try to keep it to your heart and share constructive criticism with the organizer.
  • Most important Hajj advice is to be punctual. Take great care to perform Salah on time and with Jama’t.
  • Don’t be put-off by hot weather. There are air-conditioned sections in Haram on the first and second floor (enter through King Fahad entrance and stay on the left). Pray there during the hottest part of the day.
  • Try to create balance in everything including acts of worship. Know your physical limits and stay within them. It is too easy to get caught up in the emotion of the moment and exceed your boundaries. It is extremely frustrating to get sick in a foreign country and even harder during Hajj as it defeats the purpose of your visit.
  • The beggars will pose a real problem especially if you are not used to seeing them. People who have been to middle-east before would be able to differentiate between the real ones and those who are there for business. They will be ruthless in the pursuit of you and won’t hesitate to disturb you while you are deep in prayers or having an emotional moment. Do not be swayed by their stories of losing passport, tickets or loved ones etc. Instead of giving money, offer to buy them food, ticket or whatever it is they are asking for.
  • Try to meet as many Muslims as possible. The diversity of culture and nationalities one experiences during Hajj is mind-blowing. You will meet Russians, Chinese, Europeans and African Muslims. Feel the common bond that unites everyone.
  • One of the top tips to stay healthy during the Hajj pilgrimage is to wash all fruits including dates with clean water before eating. Stick to those fruits which need to be peeled. Avoid pre-cut fruits or salads or food handled in unhygienic conditions.
  • Another quick and essential tip for Hajj is to always use the restrooms before leaving your hotel or apartment. There are no washrooms inside Masjid-ul-Haram or Masjid-e-Nabawi. The washrooms are located outside the mosques and very crowded. Use a nearby hotel or restaurant if you have to go to a restroom. Make wudu with zamzam water or at the water stations and avoid spilling too much water.
  • Don’t compare your group with other groups and avoid getting caught up in what the other people ate or where they stayed. Always remember that Hajj is a test and everyone’s test will be different. Savor your experiences and stay positive.
  • You can prepare yourself but nothing completely prepares you for the reality of the experience. There will be moments of great awe and complete frustration. Be patient always!
  • A Hajji is fortunate to be present at the various sacred places where duas are likely to be accepted. So make the most of it. Pray to Allah (SWT) and ask for your needs of this world and the Hereafter. Value every moment there since your stay is a short one.
  • Of course, everyone wants his/her Hajj to be Mabroor (acceptable) because the reward for Hajj Mabroor is Jannah.
  • A person asked the Prophet (pbuh), “What makes Hajj Mabroor, Messenger of Allah?” He (pbuh) said, “Providing food to people and spreading (the greeting of) salaam.” (Fath al-Bari, 4/446).
  • In another Hadith which is related by Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu `anhu), that Allah’s Apostle (sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam) said:
  • “From one Umrah to another (i.e. the two Umras) become an atonement for the sins committed during the period intervening between them and the reward on Hajj Mabroor (i.e. pure and untainted Hajj) is paradise itself and nothing less.” [Bukhari & Muslim]
  • So being kind, generous and considerate with people and serving them is the key to having your Hajj accepted. Keep your eyes and ears open for every opportunity to do good deeds. Jump at any chance you get to spread khair and do everything for the sake of pleasing Allah. In sha Allah your Hajj will be Mabroor.
  • Follow a burial procession to Jannat-ul-Baqi and attend the Janaaza prayer.

Those were some of the must know Hajj tips that will come handy during your Hajj journey. May Allah shower His blessings upon the Ummah, accept our intention to perform this obligatory act of worship and guide us to the true path. Aameen!